
Our corporate philosophy:

“Quality has nothing to do with chance; it is always the result of high aims,
sincere effort, intelligent approaches and skillful execution.”
Will A. Foster

Our aim is to offer efficient and customer-oriented solutions.

We pursue:

  • high quality
  • reliable execution
  • a well qualified and reliable staff and their long-term commitment to our company
  • regular training
  • self-monitoring of services
  • personal contact with our customers
  • compliance with legal and guideline regulations

Quality policy

The ultimate goal of CRS Riedlsperger KG is to satisfy the needs of our customers in the field of clinical research. This implements ensuring patient safety and the validity of the data in the context of research studies. The management, all employees and contract workers are committed to this goal.

CRS Riedlsperger KG undertakes to fulfil its projects in accordance with the currently valid legal standards, in accordance with ICH GCP guidelines and in accordance with the currently valid EMA, FDA and WHO Guidelines in the field of clinical research and data integrity.

For all projects, the quality management system is implemented according to the specifications of the QM system of CRS Riedlsperger KG or, at the request of the customer, according to the specifications of the customer.

The effectiveness of the QM system is continuously reviewed. On the basis of these checks, the conformity and timeliness of the QM system is evaluated, processes are analysed and, if necessary, corrective and preventive measures are defined.

By defining quality objectives as part of an annual QM plan and evaluating them, a continuous improvement of the quality management system is to be supported.

The quality policy is communicated to all employees and all contract workers of CRS Riedlsperger KG.

The management, all employees and contractors (suppliers) must commit themselves to the quality policy of CRS Riedlsperger KG and act in this sense within the framework of orders from CRS Riedlsperger KG.

The company CRS Riedlsperger KG undertakes to its contractors and to the other suppliers to pay for the services/the remuneration on time, to support the quality of the services, to pass on up-to-date information on the subject of clinical research. Furthermore, the contractors are insured under a liability insurance of the company CRS Riedlsperger KG.

The employees of CRS Riedlsperger KG are offered the opportunity for further training through seminar visits / individual trainings.  Development opportunities are discussed in the context of employee appraisals.

Within the scope of contract research, every employee of CRS Riedlsperger KG and the contractors have a great deal of responsibility with regard to patient safety, the validity of the data and confidentiality, and every employee / contractor must acknowledge this responsibility.

Managing Director, 26.11.2021